Server Time: 09:01:16 | Today: 28/2/2025 (24 Hour | UTC/GMT +7 | Ha Noi/Jakarta/Bangkok)

Latest and stable version is: v1.5.5:(How to upgrade)


Always use Feedback Button inside App World to get help in few minutes or email:

Always check Caro facebook Page for latest news and important information:

How To Play:

+ You must have full browsing BIS package/plan to play Caro. This means your device must be able to browse websites and internet resource. There are some BIS packages/plans which can't play Caro such as Social/Chat packages... In this case, please use WiFi as an alternative way to play Caro. (Recommended)

+ You have to invite your BBM friends to play Caro and your BBM friends must have the same Caro version installed correctly.

+ You can invite your BBM friends to download Caro from App World by using Menu - Invite friends to download.

+ You can choose one of two option to play:

-(*New) Play with COM for trainning or play offline with computer.

-Caro allows only 2 players playing with each other at the same time and only BBM friend can play with BBM friend. So if you don't have many friends on your BBM list, invite more BBM friends to play. You can get lot of Caro players on Caro Facebook Page ( Find their PINs or leave your PIN there. You can also make friend with Caro players who are sharing their PINs on Caro Ranking Page (

(*New) Adding some obstacles for funny. If you don't want it, you should be choice Easy Mode.

+ Using trackball/trackpad/touch to make a move. Player makes 5 same symbols in a row first will win the match.

+ There is such an amount of available matches for you to play every day, when you have played all of those, you have to wait for the new day (Ha Noi/Bangkok/Jakarta - UTC/GMT +7). You can check this number of matches left using Menu - My Credit or press M as hot key.

+ Your record contains: Win, Lose, Draw, Level and Rank. The more win matches, the higher level and rank you will have. Using Menu - My Rank to check your current Rank and Level or press R as hot key.

+ While playing Caro, press C for sending message to the opponent.

+ Menu - Connect to Facebook will let you share your activities in Caro to your Facebook Wall. Such as when you are level up, you has won, lost or drawn to someone... Remember to connect to Facebook every time you start Caro before playing to take effect.

+ You can head to Caro Shop using Menu - Caro Shop or press S as hot key. This contains some items for sale such as Quota 100, Reset Record, Transfer Record... And all the progress will go through App World within Caro. It means from the time you start to BUY till the payment is successful, you don't have to exit Caro and payment is handle by App World. Most of items are processed immediately when purchase is successful and applied after you restart Caro. You have some payment options which App World offers such as PayPal/Credit Card...

+ Users can add Caro profile box into BBM Profile to let friends see their recent activities from Caro: Home Screen - Go to BBM - Menu - Options - BBM Connected Applications - Application Access - Edit - Caro - Edit - Check the "Post recent activities to my profile" option.


+ Every time you finish 1 match, your record is saved on your BB, only when you EXIT Caro properly, this is when your record is sending to Caro server. So before record is sent to Caro server successfully, your record is not updated. Record you see in Caro screen is not always same as the one on the Ranking Board. Somehow your record can't be sent to the server, it will be sent at the next time you EXIT Caro.

+ Quit while playing with friend will considered as LOSER and your lose score is increased by 1 each time you leave while playing. (Not affect while playing offline).

+ If you turn off your network/radio while playing, you will be punished as -1 to win points and +1 to lose points and it also shuts down Caro immediately. So don't do that and make sure it's always ON.

+ When you use all of credit (Matches Left = 0) please wait for the new day (Ha Noi/Bangkok/Jakarta - UTC/GMT +7) for the quota is renewed or head to Caro Shop to purchase the higher Quota such as Quota 100 which indicates you can play 100 matches/day. And even if you also have played all this 100 matches, still need more matches to fight? No problem, head to Caro Shop and purchase 1 more Quota 100, this won't increase your Quota, 100 is still max per day, BUT it renews immediately your Quota to 100 and you have 100 matches more to enjoy and last but not least, the default quota is 30-50 matches/day. Enjoy ;)

+ When it says you don't have enough credit to play, this means you ran out of your quota (Matches/Day), or you have been BANNED from Caro.

Caro Shop:

+ VIP-Basic bundle contains Quota 100 and -200 Lose Points items. This -200 Lose Points items won't be applied immediately. You need to click the Provide FeedBack button inside App World to request for it to be applied. Providing your PIN and state clear that you want us to deduct 200 lose points to your record. The Quota 100 is applied immediately.

+ All payment progresses with go through App World within Caro, from the time you press the Buy button till the payment is successful, it will bring you back to Caro with the message. Mostly you need to restart Caro after that. Remember don't play any match before purchasing something.

+ At anytime you have difficulties in purchasing items, please use Feedback button inside App World to get help in few minutes.Please always state clear and in detail what you want us to support.


1. It says "Can't connect to server": This means your device can't connect to the Caro server, the reasons could be:

+ Your device doesn't have full browsing BIS package/plan, can't browse websites at all.

+ Your device BIS connection is dropped or down or bad or too slow to connect..

+ The Caro server is down.

Solution: Try Wifi to check if Caro works OR/AND Try to browse websites such as, If you can browse websites, please try Caro again. If not, try to turn OFF and ON your network radio. Or you might try to turn OFF and ON the Data Service inside the Mobile Network Options.

2. It says "SERVER MAINTENANCE": This means you have to wait for the server is back to play.

3. It says "PLEASE UPGRADE TO NEWER VERSION". You have to upgrade to newer version. The instruction is here

4. If it's just hanging and you can't press Menu, can't move the focus, can't press Back button, can't do anything...

Solution: Try to switch to Home Screen. Go to the Network Option and Turn OFF the Network Radio. After few seconds, turn ON again and check if Caro exited or not.

5. Why Caro can't connect to BBM? I can't sign in with my Blackberry ID and Password?

Reasons and Solutions:

+ Go to BBM - Options - BBM Connected Applications - Edit Application Access - Edit Caro - Switch Disconnected to Connected.

+ BBM server is not available at the moment. Please try again later.

+ Make sure your BlackBerry ID and Password are correct.

+ Delete "BlackBerry Identity" module inside BB Options - Applications List - Add-on modules

+ Your BlackBerry ID may contain more than 5 devices if you are using BlackBerry Protect.

6. Why Caro says: "MATCHES LEFT: 0": This is when you ran out of available matches / day for playing. (Ha Noi/Bangkok/Jakarta - UTC/GMT +7)

Solution: You can buy a "Quota 100" item inside Caro Shop to lift up the quota or renew your quota.

7. Why I can't invite my BBM friend to play or I can't see him/her on the list for inviting: This could be because you friend doesn't have same version of Caro installed correctly.

Solution: You need to invite them to download. If they have the same version of Caro already, please just delete him/her from your BBM and re-invite him/her. This will fix the issue.

8. Why my score showed in Caro are not same as what is shown on the ranking board:

Solution: You have to exit Caro for it sending and updating your record onto Caro server.

(13-Nov-2011 - Updating...)